ïðåäûäóùàÿ âîçìîæíîñòüBlock ads (banners) and unwanted pop upsÑëåäóþùàÿ âîçìîæíîñòü

PixGrabber guards you not from the banner only, but also images from other domains. In addition to the possibility of blocking ads by URL-masks included into black list, PixGrabber Features the ability to block banners, which have specific dimensions. The application would block not only the ads of common dimensions (468x60, 88x31, etc), but of any other dimensions predefined by user. Moreover, to provide more flexible options for this feature, a user can set a range for dimensions that would allow blocking the banners whose dimensions differ a bit from standards.

When blocking the loading of banners in compliance with user settings, PixGrabber can either cut the banner and “shrink” the page area, which has been occupied by the ad, or change the banner with predefined small text block. Both options are useful depending on the situation.

When a text block is put instead of the banner, the web page integrity is not broken – i.e. the page is shown “as is”, but without ads.

In its part, the option to shrink the page is useful for the pages that are overloaded with banners, when on the one hand they contain minimum information, and on the other they are stretched to several screens, making their viewing impossible. By shrinking the page PixGrabber can solve this problem and represent the page in a more compact view. Note, you'll see only the useful information. Such a flexible approach gives user a possibility to work with web pages even more comfortably.

ad blocker is off

ad blocker is on (page shrinking mode)

PixGrabber features a built-in blacklist that stores all the world's major banner-generating sites. This list can be easily replenished with new entries, right from the web page you are browsing. You can select a number of banners on a particular web page with your mouse and use the right-click context menu to add the source sites to the system blacklist.

When working with PixGrabber a user can send a message about non-blocked banners to our on-line service. This ability is accessible from the context menu of MS IE, called in by right click. Once the message is handled, the URL of Ads generator (or its mask) is added to ads blocker “black” list, which is accessible through our server. Ads blocker “black” list would be regularly checked for urgency, and update automatically if needed.

PixGrabber allows import / export operations for banners & sites "black list". Share useful information with friends.

Ability to block banners is available only in PixGrabber Professional.

One of the most popular and the most irritating tricks in the Web is the use of popup windows. PixGrabber helps you to avoid all this frustration by blocking the unwanted popups.  Moreover, the program, unlike its many competitors (ad stoppers and popup killers), is capable of distinguishing between the popup that are automatically displayed when you open a web page (unwanted popup ads) and the potentially interesting popups that appear when you intentionally click a certain link (like pop up hint windows).

ïðåäûäóùàÿ âîçìîæíîñòüBlock ads (banners) and unwanted pop upsÑëåäóþùàÿ âîçìîæíîñòü


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If you wish to get additional possibilities to our image manager, you should try iNetAdviser - powerful multi-tab browser, which contains book-mark manager, ad and pop up blocker, together with all PixGrabber abilities.

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